With all of the different ways to measure temperature it can be difficult to decide which sensor will work best in a given situation.
In this lesson we will compare the pros and cons of the different types of temperature sensors and the applications each is best suited to.
Thermistors are temperature-sensitive resistors.
They have a wider variation in their properties than the other kinds of temperature sensors which makes them useful in a range of everyday devices.
Engine and transmission temperature monitoring, refrigerators, medical thermometers, microwaves, and computers are all examples of applications where thermistors may be used.
A thermistor's operating range is usually within the range of temperatures that humans can directly interact with, about -90˚C to 130˚C.
For a more in-depth look at how thermistors work, check out the thermistors lesson here.
The advantages of thermistors include:
A high level of accuracy within their operating range.
Fast response times to changes in temperature.
Can be ruggedized so they are not affected by shocks or vibrations.
Low cost.
There are, of course, disadvantages to thermistors.
These include:
Their narrow operating range.
+/- 10˚C of their preset temperature point.
The risk of self-heating errors. As a type of electrical resistor, thermistors use current to operate. Too much current will heat the thermistor and throw off the thermistor's reading.
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