What's your connection to CD Industrial Group Inc.?

CD Industrial Group Inc. is the industrial training company founded by Carl Dyke, that created LunchBox Sessions as the online home for industrial learning resources.

With LunchBox Sessions, people from around the world can use our interactive simulations and see our awesome hydraulic graphics and electrical illustrations. It's the best industrial training content we've ever seen, so of course we want to share it with everyone.

If you live in North America, especially in western Canada, you can check out the CD Industrial Group Inc. website. We've got in-person, hands-on training courses that'll blow you away. Our instructors will come out to your site with a trailer full of specialized hardware, and spend a few days making a lasting impact on your maintenance or operations team. Our training has garnered rave reviews and holds a very, very high satisfaction rating. It's not cheap, but our customers keep coming back for more, because our deep, wholistic, interactive, system-oriented approach gets results.

We're here to help.

Find answers at the Help Center

Email support@lunchboxsessions.com

Toll Free (North America) 1-866-628-3224

Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm MST
98.7% positive feedback this month. Nice.